Thursday, March 6, 2014

The history

Looking at the light skin vs. dark skin issue from a historical standpoint, the best piece of evidence is probably the controversial Willie Lynch letter of 1712, and the letter was a speech given by the British slave owner himself. In this address Lynch laid out a master plan for dividing the blacks and gaining the utmost control over them, here was his idea:
You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves [...] You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks [...] IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE SLAVES THEMSELVES WILL REMAIN PERPETUALLY DISTRUSTFUL.
Lynch's plan included far more breaking and distrust than this, he intended to turn every sector of the race against one another, but the light skin against dark skin is something still prevalent today. In all, Lynch's letter is evidence of the brainwashing that has occurred in the African American community, apparently from slave days we've all been taught that light skins and dark skins can't work together they have to be in competition because it seems there isn't room for both to succeed, or at least that's what "the man" wanted us to believe.

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